Sunday, August 28, 2011


Paper appearing in The Proceedings of Microwave Update 2011. It's about the basics of six-port theory, with an explanation of six-ports as modulator and demodulator.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Six-port article for MUD

Greetings all!

This October, a six-port paper will be included in the Proceedings of Microwave Update 2011. If you read the old six-port paper, this is a major revision and expansion.

Next step: building six-ports with the recently received couplers and dividers, at 1.2GHz in order to experiment with local amateur DTV.

I'm hoping that experiments at 1.2GHz will produce enough know-how to make a reliable recipe, and then that recipe can be used at 3 and 5 GHz.

I'll be out of town until September 7th. My three children will be back in school on Monday, and I'll begin to have a lot more time to help out on MEP and related experiments. Summer is a bit more challenging in terms of having uninterrupted time.

This list is intended to support and encourage amateur microwave engineering projects, so please speak up with ideas, comments, critiques, proposals and plans. 

Looking forward to the fall, 
-Michelle W5NYV

Sit vis vobiscum!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Qt4 built, building a GUI for SDRs

After reinstalling Xcode, Qt4 installed from the repository. This is the recommended way to build GUIs for MEP. Thanks to Jacob for highlighting Qt4 and recommending a book.

If you're interested in building the GUI, then install Qt and speak up!  :+)

Tom Rondeau had some very nice things to say about a model-view-controller architecture-for-SDR letter I wrote him and fred harris a couple months back. The response got me thinking about exactly how one would want to partition tasks for an SDR, and how those partitions could improve the user experience and user interface.

Model-view-controller type software writing can be very user (and user-interface) focused. What I'd like to look at is how to best write a GUI for SDR. While the application is MEP, I'm looking for generalizations that will be useful to others.

What do you all think?

-Michelle W5NYV

Friday, July 22, 2011

Numbering Scheme, looking for hybrid couplers and dividers, and MUD?

Hi everyone! 

Here's a document about the numbering scheme in the IQ Gain and Phase Correction Filter. 

I bought the first set of parts for experimenting with six-port structures. Two 90 degree hybrid couplers off eBay. The target application is DVB amateur television. There's a repeater near me for DVB ATV. The frequency of interest for this experiment is 1.2GHz.

If you have any 90 degree hybrid couplers or power dividers for this frequency, and are willing to donate them to the cause, let me know! I'm looking for at least 4 more couplers and 2 dividers (0 degree phase, equal power dividers). 

Does anyone have any plans to attend Microwave Update in Connecticut this year? 
-Michelle W5NYV

Saturday, May 28, 2011

VHDL implementation compared to MATLAB model - overall success

Overview of successful results with synthesizeable VHDL implementation.
Comparison with MATLAB results.
-Michelle W5NYV

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"What's Up With ARM"

Here's an opinion piece about the current state of Linux development on ARM. I
thought it was interesting, largely agree with the author, and wanted to share
it with you guys.

Having got the beagleboard lab back up and running after the extended tour of
duty doing VHDL, I find that it is very true that getting Linux working on ARM
can be much more "some assembly required" than, say, a desktop. It's well worth
it, considering how powerful the ARM family is.

In order to develop something useful for MEP on ARM, there is quite a bit of
slogging to do through various rough edges. When experimenting with cameras and
video output, nothing ever really "quite worked", and the variety and
duplication mentioned in the article were in full evidence.

The current Angstrom build I'm working with was obtained from the Narcissus
Angstrom image builder. I used this because I simply could not get the demo
build of Angstrom to cleanly update from the package server. This sort of
obstacle can be really frustrating.

Here is the link to generate a build of Angstrom:

This image boots, but I haven't gotten much farther than launching Firefox.

More soon!
-Michelle W5NYV

Monday, May 9, 2011

updated synthesizeable VHDL block - progress

Here is updated VHDL code for the IQ Gain and Phase Correction filter.

I'm working with an adjusted numbering scheme in signed arithmetic to correct an
overflow problem (thanks to KB5MU, who helped identify). 

This implementation, which is designed to be synthesizeable, is beginning to
function as intended. There is a factor of two error, but the compiled block
outputs I and Q.

With some data visualization, these might prove to be a passed-through I and
phase corrected Q at the output, with a massive gain overcorrection. I'll check
that tomorrow!

 -Michelle W5NYV

Friday, April 22, 2011

VHDL update - IQ Gain and Phase correction, next blocks

Hi everyone! I'm back to work on the VHDL after an interruption for a DXpedition
to Curaçao, spring break shennanigans, and photographing a wedding.

I took the entity, architecture, and the testbench from the variable
(non-synthesizeable) version, and started a new workspace. The goal is to get
the register-based version working. When last I attempted this, I got incorrect
results from multiplication. I'm making another run at it to get this filter
ready for synthesis (when it's put into an FPGA, instead of just working as a
mathematical model).

If you're interested in working on VHDL for MEP, there is PLENTY of opportunity.
It doesn't even have to be VHDL. If you work in Verilog, and can synthesize the
block, then go for it.

I'm approaching this like a slow-growing bacteria that spreads to adjacent
blocks in the petri dish. The next block upstream is automatic gain control.
I've read the wikipedia article about AGC, but that's about as far as I've

Article here:

Does anyone on the list have any experience with AGC design or analysis? I
understand why AGC is important, and I think I understand the trade-offs. I'm
not sure quite yet how to design a block that achieves AGC. Right now, the AGC
is modeled in the IQ correction block by simply dividing the incoming values of
the signals by the maximum expected value.

I'd like to replace that modeling with a block that does the AGC before the
samples are delivered to the filter.

The next block downstream is, I believe, the demodulator.

I have attached a pdf with the current snapshot of the IQ Gain and Phase code.

More soon,-Michelle W5NYV

Potestatem obscuri lateris nescis.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

IQ Correction VHDL update

Greetings everyone,

I have a VHDL implementation of the IQ phase and gain correction algorithm
working. This implementation isn't synthesizeable in logic (yet), but it will be
as soon as I figure out why signed multiplication gives the wrong result.

Since I have a version that is working (with some of the internal math done with
variables instead of registers) I'm taking the opportunity to work on gain and
phase lock and the creation of "corrected" I and Q signals.

I is passed along with a filter delay, and corrected Q is passed along.

This part needs to be done regardless of how the internals of the correction
block are implemented.

If you haven't visited the site, then you might want to drop by
and check it out. We're in there!

IQ Phase and Gain Correction is the name of the project and our page is,iqcorrection

I'll have today's cut of code up there after a celebratory lunch. 
More soon (phase and gain lock signals in progress)
-Michelle W5NYV

Potestatem obscuri lateris nescis.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Package that makes normally distributed random numbers from uniform numbers

In order to be able to have normal distribution noise, I made a package that
takes the uniform distribution random numbers and uses the central limit theorem
to give an (approximately) normal distribution. Here's the package:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.random_int.all;

--by MEP 22 February 2011
--this is a function, which means it can be on the right-hand side
--of an assignment. It returns a mean-zero random number from a
--normal distribution. The argument is a real number that indicates
--the standard deviation desired.

package normal_distribution_random_noise is

function random_noise (
sigma : real)
return real;

end package normal_distribution_random_noise;

package body normal_distribution_random_noise is

function random_noise (
sigma : real
return real is

variable u_noise: real; --uniform distribution noise
variable n_noise: real := 0.0; --normal distribution noise
variable seed1 : positive;
variable seed2 : positive;


--obtain a uniformly distributed random number
uniform(seed1, seed2, u_noise);
--report "Random uniform noise is " & real'image(u_noise) & ".";

for normal_count in 0 to 12 loop
--Turn the uniform distributed number
--into a normally distributed number
--by using the central limit theorem.
--Make it mean zero and make it have
--the range of the uniform numbers
--that it is composed from.
n_noise := n_noise + u_noise;
end loop;

n_noise := n_noise - (0.5)*(real(12)); --normal distribution with a mean
of zero
--report "Random normal noise is " & real'image(n_noise) & ".";
n_noise := n_noise/(real(12));
--report "Random normal noise using range of uniform is " &
real'image(n_noise) & ".";
n_noise := sigma*n_noise;

return n_noise;
end function random_noise;
end package body normal_distribution_random_noise;

Package that creates I and Q samples to test the IQ Correction block

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.normal_distribution_random_noise.all;

--by MEP 22 February 2011
--these are functions, which means they can be on the right-hand side
--of an assignment. These functions create an I and Q sample.
--The arguments are
--a natural number standing for the index of the sample,
--a real number that provides a way to have many samples per period,
--a real number standing for the standard deviation of the normally distributed
noise added to the sample,
--a real number standing for the amplitude of the signal,
--a natural number indicating the width of the vector holding the returned
--a real number indicating the gain error of Q with respect to I,
--and a real number indicating the phase error of Q with respect to I
--create_I_sample(n_dat, freq, sgma, amplitude, return_width);
--create_Q_sample(n_dat, freq, sgma, amplitude, return_width, e1, a1);

package create_sample is

function create_I_sample(
n_dat : integer;
freq : real;
sgma : real;
amplitude : real;
return_width : natural)
return signed;

function create_Q_sample(
n_dat : integer;
freq : real;
sgma : real;
amplitude : real;
return_width : natural; --x1_tb'LENGTH
e1 : real; --gain error
a1 : real) --phase error
return signed;

end package create_sample;

package body create_sample is

function create_I_sample(
n_dat : integer;
freq : real;
sgma : real;
amplitude : real;
return_width : natural) --x1_tb'LENGTH
return signed is

variable local_x1 : real;
variable int_x1: integer;
variable returned_x1 : signed(return_width downto 0);


local_x1 := amplitude*sin(2.0*math_pi*(real(n_dat))*freq) +
--report "local_x1 inside CREATE_I_SAMPLE function is " &
real'image(local_x1) & ".";

--AGC scaling. Scaling factor is maximum value the signal can take.
local_x1 := local_x1/(1.11);
--report "local_x1 after AGC inside CREATE_I_SAMPLE function is " &
real'image(local_x1) & ".";

int_x1 := integer(trunc(local_x1*((2.0**31.0)-1.0))); --scaled
--report "integer version of x1 inside CREATE_I_SAMPLE function is " &
integer'image(int_x1) & ".";

returned_x1 := (to_signed(int_x1, return_width+1));

return returned_x1;
end function;

function create_Q_sample(
n_dat : integer;
freq : real;
sgma : real;
amplitude : real;
return_width : natural; --x1_tb'LENGTH
e1 : real; --gain error
a1 : real)
return signed is

variable local_y1 : real;
variable int_y1: integer;
variable returned_y1 : signed(return_width downto 0);

local_y1 := amplitude*(1.0 + e1)*cos(2.0*math_pi*(real(n_dat))*freq +
a1) + random_noise(sgma);
--report "local_y1 first created CREATE_Q_SAMPLE function is " &
real'image(local_y1) & ".";

--AGC scaling. Scaling factor is maximum value the signal can take.
local_y1 := local_y1/(1.11);
--report "local_y1 after AGC inside CREATE_Q_SAMPLE function is " &
real'image(local_y1) & ".";

int_y1 := integer(trunc(local_y1*((2.0**31.0)-1.0))); --scaled
--report "integer version of y1 inside CREATE_Q_SAMPLE function is " &
integer'image(int_y1) & ".";

returned_y1 := (to_signed(int_y1, return_width+1));

return returned_y1;
end function;
end package body create_sample;

IQ Phase Gain Correction testbench

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.normal_distribution_random_noise.all;
use work.create_sample.all;

entity IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench is
end entity;

architecture IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench_arch of
IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench is

--declare the DUT as a component.
component IQGainPhaseCorrection is
generic(width :natural);
clk :in std_logic;
x1 :in signed(width downto 0);
y1 :in signed(width downto 0);
gain_error :out signed(width downto 0);
gain_lock :out bit;
phase_error :out signed(width downto 0);
phase_lock :out bit;
corrected_x1 :out signed(width downto 0);
corrected_y1 :out signed(width downto 0)
end component;

--provide signals to run the DUT.
signal clk_tb : std_logic := '0';
signal clk_tb_delayed : std_logic := '0';
signal x1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal y1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal gain_error_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal gain_lock_tb : bit;
signal phase_error_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal phase_lock_tb : bit;
signal corrected_x1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal corrected_y1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);


--connect the testbench signal to the component
generic map(
width => 31
port map(
clk => clk_tb_delayed,
x1 => x1_tb,
y1 => y1_tb,
gain_error => gain_error_tb,
gain_lock => gain_lock_tb,
phase_error => phase_error_tb,
phase_lock => phase_lock_tb,
corrected_x1 => corrected_x1_tb,
corrected_y1 => corrected_y1_tb

--create I and Q. MTreseler says, "sin in vhdl I use use ieee.math_real.all and
cast to integer."

CREATE_I_Q_SAMPLES: process (clk_tb) is
--for both I and Q
variable n_dat : integer := 0;
variable freq : real := 0.03; --relative frequency
variable sgma : real :=0.01; --sigma of noise
variable amplitude : real := 1.0; --amplitude
--for Q
variable e1 : real := 0.1; --gain error
variable a1 : real := (10.0*math_pi)/180.0; --phase error of 10 degrees

if (clk_tb'event and clk_tb = '1') then
x1_tb <= create_I_sample(n_dat, freq, sgma, amplitude, 31);
y1_tb <= create_Q_sample(n_dat, freq, sgma, amplitude, 31, e1, a1);
n_dat := n_dat + 1;
end if;
end process CREATE_I_Q_SAMPLES;

wait for 50 ns;
clk_tb <= not clk_tb;
clk_tb_delayed <= not clk_tb_delayed after 1 ns;
end process;

end IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench_arch;

IQ Phase Gain Correction architecture

architecture IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh of IQGainPhaseCorrection is

--signal declarations

--phase error estimate accumulator
signal reg_1:signed(width downto 0) := (others => '0');

--gain error estimate accumulator
signal reg_2:signed(width downto 0) := (0 => '1', others => '0');

--Phase Offset Adjustment Applied to y1
signal y2:signed(width downto 0) := (others => '0');

--Gain and Phase Adjustment Applied to y1
signal y3:signed(2*width+1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal x1y2:signed(2*width+1 downto 0):= (others => '0');
signal mu_1:signed(width downto 0):= (others => '0');
signal x1x1y3y3:signed(width downto 0):= (others => '0');
signal mu_2:signed(width downto 0):= (others => '0');

signal reg_1x1:signed(2*width+1 downto 0):= (others => '0');
signal y3y3: signed(4*width+3 downto 0):= (others => '0');
signal x1x1: signed(2*width+1 downto 0):= (others => '0');


correction : process (clk) is

if clk'event and clk = '1' then

--phase error estimate, step size set to 0.000244
--which is achieved with a shift right by 12.
reg_1x1 <= reg_1 * x1; --clock 0
y2 <= y1 - reg_1x1(2*width+1 downto width+1); --clock 1
x1y2 <= x1 * y2; --clock 2
mu_1 <= shift_right(x1y2(2*width+1 downto width+1),12); --step size
applied. --clock 3
reg_1 <= reg_1 + mu_1; --clock 4
phase_error <= reg_1; --update phase error estimate. --clock 5

--gain error estimate, step size set to 0.000122
--which is achieved with a shift right by 13.
y3 <= y2 * reg_2; --clock 0 --63 downto 0 n*32 - 1, n = 2
x1x1 <= x1 * x1; --clock 0 --63 downto 0
y3y3 <= y3 * y3; --clock 1 --127 downto 0 n*32 -1, n = 4 to
n = 3
x1x1y3y3 <= (abs(x1x1(2*width+1 downto width+1))) - (abs(y3y3(4*width+3
downto 3*width+3))); --clock 2
mu_2 <= shift_right(x1x1y3y3, 13); --clock 3
reg_2 <= reg_2 + mu_2; --clock 4
gain_error <= reg_2; --update gain error estimate. --clock 5

end if;

end process;

end IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh;

IQ Phase Gain Correction entity

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity IQGainPhaseCorrection is


clk :in std_logic;
x1 :in signed(width downto 0);
y1 :in signed(width downto 0);
gain_error :out signed(width downto 0);
gain_lock :out bit;
phase_error :out signed(width downto 0);
phase_lock :out bit;
corrected_x1 :out signed(width downto 0);
corrected_y1 :out signed(width downto 0)

end IQGainPhaseCorrection;

IQ Phase and Gain Correction - Testbench

Below is the testbench for the IQ Phase and Gain Correction.

As you can see, there's a lot more going on in the testbench than in the block
for the algorithm. This is because the testbench has to generate the test
signals and provide the clock and establish the various settings for the test,
and that all adds up in this case to more lines of code.

On the list of improvements is to move the I and Q signal creation into a
procedure. This encapsulates code and will make the testbench a lot more

Another obvious improvement is to figure out exactly why the gain correction
isn't working yet.

More soon,
-Michelle W5NYV

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench is
end entity;

architecture IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench_arch of
IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench is
--declare the DUT as a component.
component IQGainPhaseCorrection is
generic(width :natural);
clk :in std_logic;
x1 :in signed(width downto 0);
y1 :in signed(width downto 0);
gain_error :out signed(width downto 0);
gain_lock :out bit;
phase_error :out signed(width downto 0);
phase_lock :out bit;
corrected_x1 :out signed(width downto 0);
corrected_y1 :out signed(width downto 0)
end component;

--provide signals to run the DUT.
signal clk_tb : std_logic := '0';
signal x1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal y1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal gain_error_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal gain_lock_tb : bit;
signal phase_error_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal phase_lock_tb : bit;
signal corrected_x1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal corrected_y1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);


--connect the testbench signal to the component
generic map(
width => 31
port map(
clk => clk_tb,
x1 => x1_tb,
y1 => y1_tb,
gain_error => gain_error_tb,
gain_lock => gain_lock_tb,
phase_error => phase_error_tb,
phase_lock => phase_lock_tb,
corrected_x1 => corrected_x1_tb,
corrected_y1 => corrected_y1_tb

--create x1 and y1. MTreseler says, "sin in vhdl I use use ieee.math_real.all
and cast to integer."

CREATE_X1_I: process
variable angle : real;
variable local_x1 : real;
variable sgma : real :=0.01; --sigma of noise
variable amplitude : real := 1.0; --amplitude
variable freq : real := 0.03; --relative frequency
variable u_noise: real; --uniform distribution noise
variable n_noise: real := 0.0; --normal distribution noise

variable seed1 : positive := 10;
variable seed2 : positive := 200;

--loop controls
variable make_normal_count : integer := 12;
variable n_dat : integer := 4;

variable int_x1: integer;

for n_dat_count in 0 to n_dat loop
--make a random number
uniform(seed1, seed2, u_noise);
report "Random uniform noise in I creation is " & real'image(u_noise) &

for normal_count in 0 to make_normal_count loop
--turn the uniform distributed number
--into a normally distributed number
--by using the central limit theorem.
n_noise := n_noise + u_noise;
end loop;
n_noise := n_noise - (0.5)*(real(make_normal_count)); --normal
distribution with a mean of zero
report "Random normal noise in I creation is " & real'image(n_noise) &
n_noise := n_noise/(real(make_normal_count)); --max values reduced?
report "Random normal noise (normalized?) in I creation is " &
real'image(n_noise) & ".";

local_x1 := amplitude*cos(2.0*math_pi*(real(n_dat_count))*freq) +
--local_x1 := cos(2.0*math_pi*(real(n_dat_count))*freq); --simpler

--AGC scaling
local_x1 := local_x1/(1.01);

report "local_x1 is " & real'image(local_x1) & ".";
--x1_tb <= local_x1; --somehow get real turned into signed.
-- 1. rescale to 0..(nearly)4096, find integer part
--int_x1 := INTEGER(TRUNC(local_x1*4294967296.0)); -- from random_vector

int_x1 := integer(trunc(local_x1*(2.0**31.0))); --scaled

report "integer version of x1 is " & integer'image(int_x1) & ".";
-- 2. convert to signed
x1_tb <= (to_signed(int_x1, x1_tb'LENGTH));

end loop;

end process CREATE_X1_I;

CREATE_Y1_Q: process
variable angle : real;
variable local_y1 : real;
variable e1 : real := 0.1; --gain error
variable a1 : real := (10.0*math_pi)/180.0; --phase error of 10 degrees
variable sgma : real := 0.01; --sigma of noise
variable amplitude : real := 1.0; --amplitude
variable freq : real := 0.03; --relative frequency
variable u_noise: real; --uniformly distributed noise
variable n_noise: real := 0.0; --normally distributed noise
variable seed1 : positive := 1;
variable seed2 : positive := 2;

--loop controls
variable make_normal_count : integer := 12;
variable n_dat : integer := 4;

variable int_y1: integer;

for n_dat_count in 0 to n_dat loop
--make a random number
uniform(seed1, seed2, u_noise);
report "Random uniform noise in I creation is " & real'image(u_noise) &

for normal_count in 0 to make_normal_count loop
--turn the uniform distributed number
--into a normally distributed number
--by using the central limit theorem.
n_noise := n_noise + u_noise;
end loop;
n_noise := n_noise - (0.5)*(real(make_normal_count));
n_noise := n_noise/(real(make_normal_count)); --reduce size of noise
report "Random normal noise in I creation is " & real'image(n_noise) &
n_noise := n_noise/(real(make_normal_count)); --max values reduced?
report "Random normal noise (normalized?) in I creation is " &
real'image(n_noise) & ".";

local_y1 := amplitude*(1.0 + e1)*cos(2.0*math_pi*(real(n_dat_count))*freq +
a1) + sgma*(n_noise);

--AGC scaling
local_y1 := local_y1/(1.01);

--int_y1 := INTEGER(TRUNC(local_y1*4294967296.0)); -- from random_vector
int_y1 := integer(trunc(local_y1*(2.0**31.0))); --scaled
report "integer version of y1 is " & integer'image(int_y1) & ".";

-- 2. convert to signed
y1_tb <= (to_signed(int_y1, y1_tb'LENGTH));

end loop;

end process CREATE_Y1_Q;

clk_tb <= not clk_tb;
wait for 50 ns;
end process;

end IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench_arch;

IQ Phase and Gain Correction

I'm working on the IQ Phase and Gain Correction VHDL implementation today. Here
is the entity and architecture below.

In the testbench, the phase correction works (with some amount of oscillation),
but the gain correction increases without bound. Trying to track that down
today. I'll post the testbench next in a separate email.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity IQGainPhaseCorrection is


clk :in std_logic;
x1 :in signed(width downto 0);
y1 :in signed(width downto 0);
gain_error :out signed(width downto 0);
gain_lock :out bit;
phase_error :out signed(width downto 0);
phase_lock :out bit;
corrected_x1 :out signed(width downto 0);
corrected_y1 :out signed(width downto 0)

end IQGainPhaseCorrection;

architecture IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh of IQGainPhaseCorrection is

--signal declarations

--phase error estimate accumulator
signal reg_1:signed(width downto 0) := (others => '0');

--gain error estimate accumulator
signal reg_2:signed(width downto 0) := (0 => '1', others => '0');

--Phase Offset Adjustment Applied to y1
signal y2:signed(width downto 0) := (others => '0');

--Gain and Phase Adjustment Applied to y1
signal y3:signed(2*width+1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal x1y2:signed(2*width+1 downto 0):= (others => '0');
signal mu_1:signed(width downto 0):= (others => '0');
signal x1x1y3y3:signed(width downto 0):= (others => '0');
signal mu_2:signed(width downto 0):= (others => '0');

signal reg_1x1:signed(2*width+1 downto 0):= (others => '0');
signal y3y3: signed(4*width+3 downto 0):= (others => '0');
signal x1x1: signed(2*width+1 downto 0):= (others => '0');


correction : process (clk) is

if clk'event and clk = '1' then

--phase error estimate, step size set to 0.000244
--which is achieved with a shift right by 12.
reg_1x1 <= reg_1 * x1; --clock 0
y2 <= y1 - reg_1x1(2*width+1 downto width+1); --clock 1
x1y2 <= x1 * y2; --clock 2
mu_1 <= shift_right(x1y2(2*width+1 downto width+1),12); --step size
applied. --clock 3
reg_1 <= reg_1 + mu_1; --clock 4
phase_error <= reg_1; --update phase error estimate. --clock 5

--gain error estimate, step size set to 0.000122
--which is achieved with a shift right by 13.
y3 <= y2 * reg_2; --clock 0 --63 downto 0 n*32 - 1, n = 2
x1x1 <= x1 * x1; --clock 0 --63 downto 0
y3y3 <= y3 * y3; --clock 1 --127 downto 0 n*32 -1, n = 4 to
n = 3
x1x1y3y3 <= (abs(x1x1(2*width+1 downto width+1))) - (abs(y3y3(4*width+3
downto 3*width+3))); --clock 2
mu_2 <= shift_right(x1x1y3y3, 13); --clock 3
reg_2 <= reg_2 + mu_2; --clock 4
gain_error <= reg_2; --update gain error estimate. --clock 5

end if;

end process;

end IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh;

Thursday, February 17, 2011

VHDL experience so far

I'm halfway through the VHDL class and well into implementing the IQ Phase and
Gain correction algorithm. I'll publish a cut of it in a separate email.

What I wanted to share was a few very brief observations about learning VHDL.

The actual description of what you want to accomplish may take much less time
than constructing a test that really tests what you have designed.

VHDL projects are usually broken down into components, which are the blocks that
implement your function, and testbenches, which (as the name implies) are
constructed logic that proves the block that implements the function does
what you intended to tell it to do.

So far, the proportion of time spent designing the block that implements the
function vs. designing the testbench for it is about 4:1. I don't expect this to
change throughout the remaining 5 weeks of the course. 

VHDL is very strongly typed, and most of the issues I've had so far have been
getting used to this. Once you get the hang of it, it does get better, and makes
it easy to catch most errors.

We're using the student version of Aldec Active-HDL for the development
environment. I have to say I like it a bit more than the Xilinx ISE webpack, but
the differences are minor, and the Aldec license is good for only a year at a

More soon!-Michelle W5NYV

Potestatem obscuri lateris nescis.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Software-defined radio ideas

From twitter this past week, Tom Rondeau asked: "I'm giving a day-long lecture
on SDR. What would you want to hear about? I'm focusing on software and

Tom Rondeau is giving a talk with fred harris, a well-known DSP lecturer and
professor at SDSU.

Balister offered, "Explain the difference between a collection of functions that
do operations and a framework providing structure for using them."

What do you all think? What are the current concerns in software-defined radio
design? I have some ideas, but I'm very interested in what you all think.
 -Michelle W5NYV

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pressing on with IQ Correction algorithm - vhdl entity and architecture update

Here's tonight's progress on the entity and architecture for the implementation
of the IQ Correction algorithm.

It compiled after solving some trouble I had with implmenting shifts. Standard
logic vectors can't be shifted, but signed vectors can be. So converting, then
shifting, then converting back did the trick.

More soon,
-Michelle W5NYV

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_signed.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity IQGainPhaseCorrection is
clk :in std_logic;
x1 :in std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
y1 :in std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
gain_error :out std_logic_vector(output_width downto 0);
phase_error :out std_logic_vector(output_width downto 0)
end IQGainPhaseCorrection;

architecture IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh of IQGainPhaseCorrection is
--signal declarations
--phase error calculation
signal reg_1:std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
signal reg_1_sv:std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
--gain error calculation
signal reg_2:std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
signal reg_2_sv:std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);

--Phase Offset Corrected
signal y2:std_logic_vector(2*input_width downto 0);

--Gain and Phase Offset Corrected
signal y3:std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
signal x1y2:signed(2*input_width downto 0);
signal mu_1:signed(2*input_width downto 0);
signal x1x1y3y3:signed(4*input_width downto 0);
signal mu_2:signed(2*input_width downto 0);

correction : process
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';

--phase error estimate, step size set to 0.000244
y2 <= y1 - reg_1 * x1;
--reg_1_sv <= reg_1;
x1y2 <= signed(x1 * y2); --have to convert to signed to use shift.
mu_1 <= shift_right(x1y2,12); --step size applied.
reg_1 <= reg_1 + std_logic_vector(mu_1); --convert back to std_logic_vector.
phase_error <= reg_1; --update phase error estimate.

--gain error estimate, step size set to 0.000122
y3 <= y2 * reg_2;
--reg_2_sv <= reg_2;
x1x1y3y3 <= signed(abs((x1)*(x1)) - abs((y3)*(y3))); --have to convert to signed to use shift.
mu_2 <= shift_right(x1x1y3y3, 13); --step size applied.
reg_2 <= reg_2 + std_logic_vector(mu_2); --convert back to std_logic_vector.
gain_error <= reg_2; --update gain error estimate.

end process;
end IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh;

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

IQ Correct entity and architecture files - update

Here's the snapshot of the latest work on the entity and architecture for the IQ
gain and phase correction algorithm.

more soon!
-Michelle W5NYV

Thursday, January 13, 2011

IQ Correction entity, architecture update

entity IQGainPhaseCorrection is


clk:in bit;
x1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
y1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
gain_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0);
phase_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0)

end IQGainPhaseCorrection;

architecture IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh of IQGainPhaseCorrection is


--as long as there are samples, do a loop

correction : process is

--local variables
variable count_value : natural := 0;

--phase error calculation
variable reg_1:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000000;
variable reg_1_sv:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000000;

--gain error calculation
variable reg_2:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000001;
variable reg_2_sv:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000000;

--SNR scaling?
constant mu_1:real:=0.0002;
constant mu_2:real:=0.0001;

--Phase Offset Corrected
variable y2:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000000;

--Gain and Phase Offset Corrected
variable y3:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000000;


wait until clk;

y2(nn) = y1(nn)-reg_1*x1(nn);
reg_1_sv(nn) = reg_1;
reg_1 = reg_1 + mu_1*x1(nn)*y2(nn);

y3(nn) = y2(nn)*reg_2;
reg_2_sv(nn) = reg_2;
reg_2 = reg_2+mu_2*(abs(x1(nn))^2 - abs(y3(nn))^2);

end loop;
end process correction;

end IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh;

Attached are the entity and architecture for the IQ Correction algorithm, as
well as the original MATLAB model.

I added a clock to the entity, and started the architecture. The architecture is
"sketch" stage, but you can see where I'm going with it.

Got some advice from Ken Easton on how to handle the types, and we're set to
talk again about how best to handle memory.

more soon! -Michelle W5NYV

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

VHDL entity for the IQ Gain and Phase Correction algorithm (Tuesday Challenge!)

entity IQGainPhaseCorrection is


x1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
y1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
gain_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0);
phase_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0)

end IQGainPhaseCorrection;

Hi Everyone,

Here's the entity:

entity IQGainPhaseCorrection is


x1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
y1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
gain_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0);
phase_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0)

end IQGainPhaseCorrection;

An entity in VHDL is the interface to the outside world. It's equivalent to the
list of pins of an IC that you might want to use in a project.

Here, there are two inputs, the I and Q signals, and two outputs, the gain error
and the phase error between the two signals, so that the errors can be

The "generic" keyword allows parameters in VHDL to be set. You can see that
there's an input width and an output width. It allows flexibility and reuse in

My question: Is 8-bit widths for both reasonable?

Monday, January 10, 2011

IQ Correction Algorithm - beginning

Greeting everyone,

Attached is the IQ Correction MATLAB model written by Bob McGwier, and the
output figures it produced after I got it working in Octave.

Two signals, x1 and y1, are created in this model. They represent I and Q
signals. Both have noise added to them (random, normal distribution, mean zero,
0.01 standard deviation).

Whenever we implement a circuit that handles I and Q, we expect to get
differences between I and Q that are due to the implementation. In this model,
y1 has a fixed gain error and a fixed phase error. The IQ correction algorithm
determines the gain error and phase error. Neat!

Running the model under Octave, I got the following when the model attempted to
draw figure 3:

octave-3.2.3:3> IQCorrectGain_Phase
error: `kaiser' undefined near line 92 column 4
error: called from:
error: /Users/w5nyv/Dropbox/MEP/IQCorrectGain_Phase.m at line 92, column 3

That particular section of the model is:


% z=zeros(1,1024);
% for kk=1:1024
% z(kk)=(x1(tt(kk))+1i*y1(tt(kk)))*ww(kk);
% end
% plot(-0.5:1/1024:0.5-1/1024,fftshift(20*log10(abs(fft(z)))))
grid on
axis([-0.5 0.5 -140 10])
title('Output Spectrum with Gain and Phase Offset')

The kaiser reference is to a windowing function. It looked like I needed to
install an extra windowing package for Octave! Octave is a free and open source
version of MATLAB.

On the Mac,
sudo port install octave-windows
worked just fine on the desktop, and the model ran with the original MATLAB
kaiser window function.

However, a dependency wouldn't easily install on the laptop. I tried to build
from source, but running the port command again (port is somewhat similar to
opkg, git, svn etc) it still hung up on a particular dependency.

Through the power of Twitter, Bob recommended changing to another windowing
function (from kaiser to blackman-harris, which appears to be called just
blackman in Octave) and that seemed to do the trick. Since this particular
function is just to present the data, it's a bit less critical than having to
use an alternate function in the filter itself.

This is a good example of what is sometimes necessary when using Octave instead
of MATLAB. While Octave shadows MATLAB very closely, it's not an identical twin.

The very next step is to write a tutorial about the filter so that the math pops
right out at you.

The next step after that is to write the filter in VHDL. All are welcome to
participate, critique, troubleshoot! If you have experience (or want some) in
writing VHDL, here is a chance. :+)

More soon,
-Michelle W5NYV

Potestatem obscuri lateris nescis.