Friday, July 22, 2011

Numbering Scheme, looking for hybrid couplers and dividers, and MUD?

Hi everyone! 

Here's a document about the numbering scheme in the IQ Gain and Phase Correction Filter. 

I bought the first set of parts for experimenting with six-port structures. Two 90 degree hybrid couplers off eBay. The target application is DVB amateur television. There's a repeater near me for DVB ATV. The frequency of interest for this experiment is 1.2GHz.

If you have any 90 degree hybrid couplers or power dividers for this frequency, and are willing to donate them to the cause, let me know! I'm looking for at least 4 more couplers and 2 dividers (0 degree phase, equal power dividers). 

Does anyone have any plans to attend Microwave Update in Connecticut this year? 
-Michelle W5NYV

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