Sunday, January 23, 2011
Pressing on with IQ Correction algorithm - vhdl entity and architecture update
of the IQ Correction algorithm.
It compiled after solving some trouble I had with implmenting shifts. Standard
logic vectors can't be shifted, but signed vectors can be. So converting, then
shifting, then converting back did the trick.
More soon,
-Michelle W5NYV
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_signed.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity IQGainPhaseCorrection is
clk :in std_logic;
x1 :in std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
y1 :in std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
gain_error :out std_logic_vector(output_width downto 0);
phase_error :out std_logic_vector(output_width downto 0)
end IQGainPhaseCorrection;
architecture IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh of IQGainPhaseCorrection is
--signal declarations
--phase error calculation
signal reg_1:std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
signal reg_1_sv:std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
--gain error calculation
signal reg_2:std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
signal reg_2_sv:std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
--Phase Offset Corrected
signal y2:std_logic_vector(2*input_width downto 0);
--Gain and Phase Offset Corrected
signal y3:std_logic_vector(input_width downto 0);
signal x1y2:signed(2*input_width downto 0);
signal mu_1:signed(2*input_width downto 0);
signal x1x1y3y3:signed(4*input_width downto 0);
signal mu_2:signed(2*input_width downto 0);
correction : process
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
--phase error estimate, step size set to 0.000244
y2 <= y1 - reg_1 * x1;
--reg_1_sv <= reg_1;
x1y2 <= signed(x1 * y2); --have to convert to signed to use shift.
mu_1 <= shift_right(x1y2,12); --step size applied.
reg_1 <= reg_1 + std_logic_vector(mu_1); --convert back to std_logic_vector.
phase_error <= reg_1; --update phase error estimate.
--gain error estimate, step size set to 0.000122
y3 <= y2 * reg_2;
--reg_2_sv <= reg_2;
x1x1y3y3 <= signed(abs((x1)*(x1)) - abs((y3)*(y3))); --have to convert to signed to use shift.
mu_2 <= shift_right(x1x1y3y3, 13); --step size applied.
reg_2 <= reg_2 + std_logic_vector(mu_2); --convert back to std_logic_vector.
gain_error <= reg_2; --update gain error estimate.
end process;
end IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh;
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
IQ Correction Model - proposed plotting change, question about absolute values
More soon! -Michelle W5NYV
Sunday, January 16, 2011
IQ Correct entity and architecture files - update
gain and phase correction algorithm.
more soon!
-Michelle W5NYV
Thursday, January 13, 2011
IQ Correction entity, architecture update
clk:in bit;
x1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
y1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
gain_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0);
phase_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0)
end IQGainPhaseCorrection;
architecture IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh of IQGainPhaseCorrection is
--as long as there are samples, do a loop
correction : process is
--local variables
variable count_value : natural := 0;
--phase error calculation
variable reg_1:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000000;
variable reg_1_sv:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000000;
--gain error calculation
variable reg_2:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000001;
variable reg_2_sv:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000000;
--SNR scaling?
constant mu_1:real:=0.0002;
constant mu_2:real:=0.0001;
--Phase Offset Corrected
variable y2:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000000;
--Gain and Phase Offset Corrected
variable y3:bit_vector(7 downto 0):=00000000;
wait until clk;
y2(nn) = y1(nn)-reg_1*x1(nn);
reg_1_sv(nn) = reg_1;
reg_1 = reg_1 + mu_1*x1(nn)*y2(nn);
y3(nn) = y2(nn)*reg_2;
reg_2_sv(nn) = reg_2;
reg_2 = reg_2+mu_2*(abs(x1(nn))^2 - abs(y3(nn))^2);
end loop;
end process correction;
end IQGainPhaseCorrection_beh;
Attached are the entity and architecture for the IQ Correction algorithm, as
well as the original MATLAB model.
I added a clock to the entity, and started the architecture. The architecture is
"sketch" stage, but you can see where I'm going with it.
Got some advice from Ken Easton on how to handle the types, and we're set to
talk again about how best to handle memory.
more soon! -Michelle W5NYV
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
VHDL entity for the IQ Gain and Phase Correction algorithm (Tuesday Challenge!)
x1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
y1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
gain_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0);
phase_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0)
end IQGainPhaseCorrection;
Hi Everyone,
Here's the entity:
entity IQGainPhaseCorrection is
x1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
y1:in bit_vector(input_width downto 0);
gain_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0);
phase_error:out bit_vector(output_width downto 0)
end IQGainPhaseCorrection;
An entity in VHDL is the interface to the outside world. It's equivalent to the
list of pins of an IC that you might want to use in a project.
Here, there are two inputs, the I and Q signals, and two outputs, the gain error
and the phase error between the two signals, so that the errors can be
The "generic" keyword allows parameters in VHDL to be set. You can see that
there's an input width and an output width. It allows flexibility and reuse in
My question: Is 8-bit widths for both reasonable?
Monday, January 10, 2011
IQ Correction Algorithm - beginning
Attached is the IQ Correction MATLAB model written by Bob McGwier, and the
output figures it produced after I got it working in Octave.
Two signals, x1 and y1, are created in this model. They represent I and Q
signals. Both have noise added to them (random, normal distribution, mean zero,
0.01 standard deviation).
Whenever we implement a circuit that handles I and Q, we expect to get
differences between I and Q that are due to the implementation. In this model,
y1 has a fixed gain error and a fixed phase error. The IQ correction algorithm
determines the gain error and phase error. Neat!
Running the model under Octave, I got the following when the model attempted to
draw figure 3:
octave-3.2.3:3> IQCorrectGain_Phase
error: `kaiser' undefined near line 92 column 4
error: called from:
error: /Users/w5nyv/Dropbox/MEP/IQCorrectGain_Phase.m at line 92, column 3
That particular section of the model is:
% z=zeros(1,1024);
% for kk=1:1024
% z(kk)=(x1(tt(kk))+1i*y1(tt(kk)))*ww(kk);
% end
% plot(-0.5:1/1024:0.5-1/1024,fftshift(20*log10(abs(fft(z)))))
grid on
axis([-0.5 0.5 -140 10])
title('Output Spectrum with Gain and Phase Offset')
The kaiser reference is to a windowing function. It looked like I needed to
install an extra windowing package for Octave! Octave is a free and open source
version of MATLAB.
On the Mac,
sudo port install octave-windows
worked just fine on the desktop, and the model ran with the original MATLAB
kaiser window function.
However, a dependency wouldn't easily install on the laptop. I tried to build
from source, but running the port command again (port is somewhat similar to
opkg, git, svn etc) it still hung up on a particular dependency.
Through the power of Twitter, Bob recommended changing to another windowing
function (from kaiser to blackman-harris, which appears to be called just
blackman in Octave) and that seemed to do the trick. Since this particular
function is just to present the data, it's a bit less critical than having to
use an alternate function in the filter itself.
This is a good example of what is sometimes necessary when using Octave instead
of MATLAB. While Octave shadows MATLAB very closely, it's not an identical twin.
The very next step is to write a tutorial about the filter so that the math pops
right out at you.
The next step after that is to write the filter in VHDL. All are welcome to
participate, critique, troubleshoot! If you have experience (or want some) in
writing VHDL, here is a chance. :+)
More soon,
-Michelle W5NYV
Potestatem obscuri lateris nescis.